Vote Schenectady Democrats
Councilwoman Carmel Patrick
Carmel Patrick is a non-profit management professional with over 40 years of experience in higher education, fundraising, grant writing, community development, and marketing. In November 2019, Carmel was elected to the Schenectady City Council, and began serving as Councilwoman in January 2020.
Carmel directed fund development for several Capital Region nonprofit organizations, including miSci – Museum of Innovation and Science; Family and Child Service of Schenectady; SUNY Schenectady (SCCC); Senior Services of Albany; and the AIDS Council of Northeastern New York. She also served as Director of Training and Events, as well as Director of Volunteer Development, for United Way of Northeastern New York.
In 2014, the Schenectady County Legislature appointed Carmel to the Board of Trustees of the Schenectady County Public Library; she served two terms as its Board President, and currently serves as Treasurer. Carmel serves on the Advisory Board for the Schenectady City School District’s Community Schools initiative. She is a Board member and Past President of the Schenectady Rotary Club, as well as a member of the membership and nominating committees of the League of Women Voters of Schenectady County. Carmel was named a Paul Harris Fellow in 2013 by the Rotary Club of Schenectady, which also recognized her as Rotarian of the Year in 2011. From 2015 – 2020, Carmel served on the Board of Directors of the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation (DSIC).
Carmel chairs Schenectady Shares, a volunteer-run food and personal hygiene products drive, committed to restocking Schenectady’s food pantries, as well as raising awareness about the ongoing issues of food insecurity. She volunteers with the Music Haven concert series, and served on the Ellis Medicine Women’s Night Out Planning Committee for several years. She also previously served on Clarkson University’s Master of Arts in Teaching Advisory Board. Carmel has been a mentor through the Capital Region Chamber’s Young Professionals Network, and is a former Co-Chair for the Chamber’s Tech Valley Non-Profit Business Council’s Program Committee. Carmel graduated from the Chamber’s Capital Leadership program in 1997 and served on its steering committee. She is a past Member and Chairperson of the Troy YMCA Board of Directors and served on the Steering Committee for the CDYMCA’s Black and Latino Achievers Program. She is also a past member of the YWCA of NENY’s elected Nominating Committee.
In May 2019, Carmel received a Schenectady City Democratic Committee’s Community Service Award. The YWCA of NENY named Carmel a Woman of Achievement in March 2019 and recognized her with its Community Development award. In November 2018, Carmel received a Community Service award from the Schenectady County Democratic Party. Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara recognized Carmel as a 2017 New York State Assembly Woman of Distinction. She was presented with a President’s Award in 2014 by the Capital District YMCA, which also recognized her in 2006 as an Adult Achiever, for her volunteer leadership with its Black and Latino Achievers Program.
Carmel holds a master’s degree in Educational Administration and Policy Studies from the State University of New York at Albany; a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from New York University, and an associate’s degree in Merchandising from Mount Ida College. Carmel and her husband, the author William B. Patrick, live in Schenectady, New York, along with their goldendoodles, Vincent and Rockwell.